20 mai 2012

Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho // book of the week

“Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.” 
  Honestly, I had never read Coelho before and I was pleasantly surprised by his writing. “Eleven minutes” is about the life of a woman, right from the beginning, from her first crush at the age of eleven(which, apropos, has no tangence with the title of the book) to the point where she is happy, I mean
happy in every sense of the word: she gets anything anyone would desire. Not only material earnings, but spiritual, too.

  The book tells her story, how she gets a prostitute, then she has experiences that involve sexual sadism with a man, followed by spiritual relationship with another man that in the end help her find herself, or how Coelho says, find her “inner light”.

  This would be a pretty short version of my summary, ‘cause I don’t want to spoil your reading neither with spicy details, nor with the meaning of the title.

“...you only know yourself when you go beyond your limits

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